Documents Tagged ‘protest’

A Rooftop View

Archive Entry Date: c. 1973

In the aftermath of a Telegraph Ave protest, the crowd disperses

Against the Gay Bars: The White Horse Protest

Archive Entry Date: 10/1970

The owners of the White Horse bar in Oakland and the editors of Gay Sunshine come in conflict

NACHO Protest

Archive Entry Date: 8/28/1970

The tensions between the homophile groups and Gay Liberation come to a head at the North American Conference of Homophile Organizations

Macy’s 40 Protests

Archive Entry Date: 8/1/1970

The Gay Liberation Front and the homophile groups unite and splinter over the protest of Macy's discriminatory policing practices

The Tavern Guild’s Beaux Arts Ball

Archive Entry Date: 10/31/1969

Gay Radicals advocate for the decriminalization of gender non-conformity and clash with the homophile organizations

“Friday of the Purple Hand”

Archive Entry Date: 10/31/1969

The homophile organizations and the radical gay groups unify to protest the San Francisco Examiner's treatment of homosexuals

San Francisco Steamship Lines Company Protest

Archive Entry Date: 4/1969

No War, No Violence, No Discrimination: The Committee For Homosexual Freedom's protest of workplace discrimination and the murder of Frank Bartley

The Committee for Homosexual Freedom

Archive Entry Date: 3/28/1969

Leo Laurence calls for a radical break from homophile organizations and the formation of a new gay coalition

Sunrise at the Oakland Army Induction Center

Archive Entry Date: 10/1967

One of Nacio Jan Brown's favorite photographs: capturing a tense moment in an antiwar protest

Save Your Property

Archive Entry Date: 1956

The battle over West Berkeley houses began in the 1950's