In June 1970, Macy’s Department Store’s Security Team in San Francisco coordinated with the SF Police’s “sex detail” to entrap gay men crusing in their department store basement. This targeted attack against the gay community led to 40 arrests over a two week period, charging those arrested with “felonious oral copulation” under California Penal Code 288a. Many of the arrests were of Macy’s employees, the raids targeted working class men, not the executives who employees said also used the space. The Berkeley and San Francisco gay communities organized together to form “Homosexuals Mobilized Against Macy’s” and began a picket line in front of the store in late July.

CARRYING THE WAR TOMACY*S HO-HO-HO-MOSEXUAL? "Ho-Ho-Ho-Mo-Sexual ” chants echoed through the concrete canyons of downtown San Francisco this week surprising tourists, putting police up tight, and making Macy’s madder’n hell. 'It’s marvelous," a tall black man told me last Saturday afternoon when 50 pickets first hit the bricks on the Geary Street side of Macy’s. 'I work in Macy’s," he said, “and I think it’s gross for this store to trap homosexuals in their men’s rooms, then bust them on felonies." ‘1 just think there should be more pickets out here considering the number of homosexuals in this city," he added. “Then they’ll get the respect they deserve. 40 TRAPPED During a two-weeks “morals blitzkrieg" in June, using plans developed in part by the SFPD sex detail, Macy’s private pigs busted some 40 Gay Brothers us‘ing “techniques which violated their right to privacy," according to the AD-Hoc Committee "Homosexuals Mobilized Against Macy’s. “The normal procedure in San Francisco has been for persons arrested on felonies public sex charges to ’cop-out’ to misdemeanors,’ Bill Plath of the San Francisco Tavern Guild told the press during an impromptu side news conference. Bill described himself as a "C0-Co-Chairman of the Gay Coalition, he was also a picket captain. “We want the felony charges either dropped or reduced, ’ ’ Plath added. "We believe Macy’s can get it done.” POLARIZED “But there doesn’t seem to be any communication” between the Gay Community on one side, and a coalition of Macy’s, the District Attorney, and the police on the other side of the polarized controversy. "This (picketing Macy’s) is our only recourse,” Plath emphasized “to save those arrested from prison.’ “Macy’s is being punitive against the homosexual community.’ Plath continued; “while the District Attorney is using all this to beef up its staff,” One greying, crew-cut reporter at the news conference was upset. "I wish this had never happened. I see I’m in trouble now. They (Macy’s) are a BIG advertiser, and now I’ve got to ask them some questions." A fairly “straight" account of the Saturday picketing appeared the following day, but buried on page 26 of the Sunday Examiner well after three full pages of Macy’s ads. Macy’s tried to clamp a lid of secrecy on the troublesome controversy when it first broke in the BARB three weeks ago. But word from inside the store is leaking out. “Some at Macy’s are sympathetic to your cause," reads one letter I received (at BARB office) from inside the store (using Macy’s stationery.) "(We) not care for Austin and his ’Mod Squad.’ the letter says, referring to the ex-L.A. pig who runs Macy’s Security Department, and calls homosexuals “perverts." THE EXECS “Why does Macy’s persecute your people and leave 50 percent of their own top execs without criticism when they are known to be of the same inclination?’ the letter asks, suggesting the author is heterosexual. And “....what of SFPD Inspector William Bigarini of the sex deTtail who works as a paid consultant with Macy’s Security, and his actions should be subject to the restraints put on regular pigs, the write asks. “And two other Macy’s security people were at the time full-time paid military police, moonlighting. They should also be subThey should also be subject to Constitutional requirements." PEEPIGS That’s reference to court prohibitions against law enforcement officers from using peeping-tom techniques (voyeuring people in locked toilet stalls through ventilator screens) to collect their evidence. Military rule at Macy’s? A union organizer and former Macy’s employee called Beesen passed this about Macy’s executives to Roger Green; Chairman of Gay-Lib in San Francisco, and a CO- CoChairman of "Homosexuals Mobilized Against Macy’s." “The top brass of Macy’s are (mostly) all formerly top brass in the military.” PUBLIC SUPPORT GROWS Like a tiny Little-Old-Lady who walked up to Folksinger Don Burton, assisting as a Picket Captain Wednesday afternoon. “What’s this all about?’ she asked him. Don went through the trip of some 40 homosexuals being trapped and busted by the store and heading for prison. The little lady mentioned Don to get closer. She whispered: “My Grandson is one." (meaning homosexual), not a Macy’s victim). “Do you love him?’ Don asked her softly. "Yes, ’ she whispered. "Well, Macy’s i about to wreck the lives of 40 of his brothers," Don explained, “Then I won’t shop there," she whispered, smiling as she scurried off. THE ”MOD”GENERATION One young woman in a mini' skirt really got mad at Macy’s after she had read a leaflet from the picket line. She dug out her Macy’s credit card, and held it high for all to see. "See thisl See this I ’' she shouted as she ripped the card in half. Then she marched into the store, threw the pieces on a sales counter, did a smart aboutface, and marched back to the street, with a big smile on her face. There were a few up-tight people who muttered things like "...damn queers...’ under their breath as they passed the line, but they kept moving and caused no see HOMO from page 4 troubles. FILMING San Francisco police have been playing it cool. Two uniformed officers stayed with the line on Saturday, and occasionally during the week. Plainclothes Bigot Raunchy was busy with a movie camera. And the Tac Squad hassled hippies in Union Square. Most of the people on the line this week were from the Gay Liberation Front. Some from Chicago, New York, and Boston. But each day, ’’more and more from the Gay establishment shows up,” reports Green. "It’s a heavy thing,’ one SIR (Society for Individual Rights) member told me. ‘‘Five years ago, I'd never thought a second time of picketing.” But now I’m here, and I’m feeling GOOD!” NEED 500. 50 showed up for picket duty last Saturday. But several entrances were untouched. To put pickets at every' door from morning to night throughout the summer will require a manpower pool of about 500. That kind of pressure in the streets will put an economic squeeze on Macy’s as potent as the toughest union strike. (Of course, there will always be a few prissy queens who will hide behind their delicate respectability and snub their noses at anyone who might go into a T-Room, ‘1 neither comprehend nor condone people who have sex in public places,’ says one who refuses to support the boycott.) TACTICS "Homosexuals Mobilized Against Macy’s’ is asking the public to BOYCOTT MACY’S! Mail back your credit card. Picket with us.” To Macy’s employees: "We intend to remain until Macy’s guarantees not to discipline any employee who joins our picket lines.” (a standard union tactic) The Gay coalition says “the pickets will remain until the lives are saved.’ Further information: 781-1570 and 626-9557.

Berkeley Barb, July 31 – August 6, 1970, 4.

Although the radical Gay groups had largely split from homophile groups like SIR, the two factions came together against Macy’s, demonstrating a radicalization of more conservative movments.

MACY*S IS STUPID by Leo Laurance Macy’s is stupid. Nothing else can explain their dogmatic determination to conspire with the District Attorney in San Francisco to "off” some 40 homosexuals and ship’em to prison. Pickets have been posted outside the store everyday for over a week, organized by an ad-hoc committee called "Homosexuals Mobilized Against Macy’s.” They’ll remain until felony charges against the gay brothers busted inside the store during a "Morals Blitskrig” in June are dropped or lowered to misdemeanors. So far most of the picket lines have been unimpressive. Only eight people were marching in a small circle outside the Geary Street entrance this Wednesday afternoon. Last Saturday, however, bigger numbers provided man power to post picket lines at EVERY entrance to the store. PICKET POWER When every door is covered, everyday, every hour the store’s open, then Macy’s will start to sweat. Right now, they’re still expecting the pickets to peter out, especially since they’ve got the sauve Elliott Blackstone (Community Relations SFPD) working hard behind the scenes for their side. But the line has been there everyday. About half from GayLib and half from SIR (Society for Individual Rights.) And if you want to see some good-looking people, take a look at that line. (I wanted to kiss them all) "PERVERTS” Some SIR people are comfortably middle class and see little or no reason to complain, let alone picket. But when Macy’s started calling homosexuals "perverts” and with homosexual harrassment throughout the city rapidly escalating in recent months, SIR members went through some head changes. Sir endorsed the Macy’s boycott and picketing at its regular membership meeting Wednesday Veterans in the Gay Community predict other organizations (Daughters of Bilitis, Tavern Guild and Council on Religion and the Homosexual) will soon take similar action. It blows my mind to see these homosexual brothers and sisters really getting together for something other that bitch fights, - cruising, or boozing.

Berkeley Barb, August 7-13, 1970, 7.

It’s a heavy thing,’ one SIR (Society for Individual Rights) member told me. ‘‘Five years ago, I’d never thought a second time of picketing.” But now I’m here, and I’m feeling GOOD!” (1)

But the line has been there everyday. About half from GayLib and half from SIR (Society for Individual Rights.)…Some SIR people are comfortably middle class and see little or no reason to complain, let alone picket. But when Macy’s started calling homosexuals “perverts” and with homosexual harrassment throughout the city rapidly escalating in recent months, SIR members went through some head changes. Sir endorsed the Macy’s boycott and picketing at its regular membership meeting Wednesday. Veterans in the Gay Community predict other organizations (Daughters of Bilitis, Tavern Guild and Council on Religion and the Homosexual) will soon take similar action. (2)

Picket line numbers were low from the start with only fifty people picketing the first weekend in July. However, by late August, the low turnout at the picket line impacted the sense of unity between the multiple movements. Members of the Gay Liberation began to turn on SIR and the Tavern Guild, blaming them for the lack of long-run mobilization against Macy’s.

The massive gay mobilization never materialized between the Gay Establishment (SIR & TGSF) and Gay-Lib of San Francisco. None are putting many members on the line. (3)

MACY*S FOES FALTER. “There is no brotherhood in the Gay Community,” a studdish bartender at the Orpheum Circus said, talking about the disappointing picket lines at Macy’s. "It’s all money,” he said. "The bars want money. SIR wants money. People only help if they can make money." Maybe he’s right. There’s only about six or eight selfless people who are the backbone of the Macy’s picket line. Marching six hours a day, they are doggedly determined to "hold together,’ (one picketer walks the line daytimes, then works eight hours at night). The so-called Gay "coalition called "Homosexuals MobilizedAgainst Macy’s” is a name only. Its leadership has lost interest. Picket captains are untrained. Leaflets remain vague and confusing. NO MOBE The massive gay mobilization never materialized between the Gay Establishment (SIR & TGSF) and Gay-Lib of San Francisco. None are putting many members on the line. Some show up for their own head trips, naive to the political potential of ripping off the Amerikkkan corporate giant called Macy’s. "I wanted to prove to myself I’m not a baby,’ one S-M leatherman told me. "I’m picketing to break away from my mother... and my father.” He knew very little about the 40 gay brothers that Macy’s wants to send to prison this year. P olice have tried to intimidate the line. One threatened to arrest two guys who were kissing on the line. . .they did NOT stop. . .they were NOT busted. The line has been forced by police into a tiny area 10 paces long next to the gutter, "clearly in violation of the US constitution" says an attorney. The gay lawyer working on the case says he hasn’t the “time or —— the money to get a federal, injunction against the police” to stop their improper behavior. Tom Mitchell, marching in the line, was "attacked and slugged by a straight couple,” according to a report published in "Gay Sunshine”. STUNNED "Stunned, he fell out of line, walked to a corner where he was jumped by a plainclothesman who arrested him on two counts of battery.” "Did SIR try to bail him out?” the Gay newspaper asked. "SIR (an 86,000/year organization for the defense of the Gay Community) has no bail fund,” said Bill Plath righteously, ” Gay Sunshine reported. Meanwhile, Macy’s IS damn uptight. They have been flooded with hate-mail from people who love freedom for all, including homosexuals. Macy’s is putting pressure on the police. They hope the pigs will put pressure on the gay bars. (Mercy. . .don’t close our ghettoes!) Guerilla tactics INSIDE the store is becoming an increasingly popular revolutionary strategy. One gay was in the Men’s Dept, and found a crowd of shoppers. Before store dicks arrived, he laid down a loud, heavy rap about the bigots who are bosses at Macy’s. . .a revolutionary rap that scared hell out of bourgeoise shoppers. Will the Macy’s boycott collapse? Not right away. The dedicated few on the line may reorganize the ad-hoc "coalition”, tailor it along the disciplined lines of the Black Panther Party, and ignore the empty verbiage of the Gay Establishment. —by Leo Laurence

Berkeley Barb, August 21-27, 1970, 4, 9.

“There is no brotherhood in the Gay Community,” a studdish bartender at the Orpheum Circus said, talking about the disappointing picket lines at Macy’s. “It’s all money,” he said. “The bars want money. SIR wants money. People only help if they can make money.” (4)

The arrests at Macy’s articulated the Gay Liberation’s actions against the legal and prison system, which discriminated against gay people. The protests sparked a constitutional debate about California Penal Code 288a, which broadly regulated sexual acts, even between constenting adults as an attempt to criminalize homosexuality. The legal defense for the forty men arrested argued that the police illegally entrapped the individuals, a defense tactic common for the period.

Macy’s 40. The ever popular Macy’s basement men’s john serving Macy’s employees and the closet Bay Area for the last five years, has been closed. “It was mostly used by the employees themselves,” says Danny Oliveira, who worked at Macy’s for three years. Over a two week period in June Macy’s store detectives, moonlighting from the police department, busted 40 people on felonious oral copulation. B.J. Beckwith, who is defending 14 of the men arrested, says the Macy’s 40 were mod types, relatively straight Gays, not hippie. Five of them were married to women. One lost his job at the post office. Oral copulation is punishable by 15 years in jail. Conviction also makes you a sex offender who must register with the police at every town you move to. If you are judged a sexual psychopath, you may be sent to a mental hospital for the rest of your life or until cured through shock treatments or lobotomies if authorities deem necessary. Beckwith is filing a suit in federal court asking for a three-judge panel to rule on the constitutionality of 288a Calif. Penal Code which outlaws oral copulation. He is also fighting the cases on the grounds of invasion of privacy and illegal entrapment. For three weeks a coalition of Gay organizations has maintained a picket line in front of Macy’s. The line will continue every day the store is open until Macy’s agrees to drop of reduce the charges against the 40 brothers.

Gay Sunshine, September 1970.

In California, Penal Code 286 outlawed sodomy, a crime that could be a life sentence. However, San Francisco Assemblyman Willie Brown first introduced bill #743 in 1969, which would decriminalize sodomy and other private sexual acts between consenting adults. The law was eventually passed in 1975, however Brown’s authorship of the bill was a major step for the gay community. It also demonstrated an alliance with the legal and prison reforms central to the Black Power movement, and their allies like Willie Brown in government. 

(1)  “Carrying the War to Macy’s Ho-Ho-Ho-Mosexual?” Berkeley Barb, July 31 – August 6, 1970, 4,9.
(2) “Macy’s 40,” Gay Sunshine, August-September 1970.
(3) “Carrying the War to Macy’s Ho-Ho-Ho-Mosexual?” Berkeley Barb, July 31 – August 6, 1970, 4,9.
(4) Leo Laurence, “Macy*s Foes Falter,” Berkeley Barb, August 21-27, 1970, 4, 9.
Sources also consulted. 
Jim Kepner, “Homosexual Reform May Come to California,” Tangents, Volume 3, issue 5,6,7, February-April 1969, 4-6.
 Leo E. Laurence, “Macy’s Is Stupid,” Berkeley Barb, August 7-13, 1970, 7