United States Commission on Civil Rights, "School Desegregation in Berkeley, California," August 1977.
Click on the link below to download the full 26-page report.
Berkeley took the lead with a two-way busing plan, despite attacks from Republicans
Frustrated by the slow progress of desegregation, MLK found hope in Berkeley's school system
Federal funds were channeled to programs for Berkeley's poorer children
School desegregation in Berkeley meant programmatic efforts to hire more black teachers
Five months before the buses would roll, the BUSD explained how school desegregation would work
A full desegregation effort meant desegregating the curriculum too
On the eve of the buses rolling, the school district laid out how it and the larger community had prepared
On the advent of the new busing program, the LA Times found cause for optimism
The New York Times Magazine sympathetically appraised Berkeley's desegregation efforts
From the US Commission on Civil Rights, an account and positive appraisal of Berkeley's desegregation efforts
A video narrating Berkeley's school desegregation, produced by a friend of a pioneering School Board member
Berkeley High established the first Black Studies program in the Bay Area
Berkeley's first experimental public school: a new "Community High" that would build relationships between students and locals
The Oakland-based Black Aces articulated the rationale for Berkeley's "Black House"
From Berkeley High's 1971 yearbook, a poem, portraits, and reflections on an Asian Studies retreat
A lengthy consideration, from a civil rights law perspective, of Berkeley's Black House and Casa de la Raza
An experimental school that sought to ground Berkeley high schoolers in democratic practice and activism
The experimental Genesis High School sought to temper hierarchies between students and teachers in a multiracial setting
The vision of Black House, and how it collapsed under pressure
The short life of an experiment in Chicano-centered education
What happened with Berkeley's 23 alternative schools? A 580-page study gives a fine-grained answer
Part two of an in-depth history of the 23 new schools created during Berkeley's experimental period
The Oakland-based Black Aces articulated the rationale for Berkeley's "Black House"
The BUSD fought a federal effort to shut down Black House and Casa de la Raza
The federal government questioned the rationale behind Berkeley's Black House and Casa de la Raza
A lengthy consideration, from a civil rights law perspective, of Berkeley's Black House and Casa de la Raza
A different narrative about minority achievement and experimental schools.
What happened with Berkeley's 23 alternative schools? A 580-page study gives a fine-grained answer
Part two of an in-depth history of the 23 new schools created during Berkeley's experimental period
The head of Berkeley High's Af-Am program defended the integrity and openness of his program
A last ditch effort to enact runoff elections fell short
The status of certified employees and of black principals made for a very hot school board meeting
The Gazette supported a salary increase for school board directors
Candidate Gene Roh, probation officer and concerned citizen, threw his hat in the ring.
The School Board Director laid out the critical problems the new school board would face
"A broad base of citizens supports the candidacies of both Mrs. Fraenkel-Conrat and Gene Roh."
"The Greater Berkeley Community" shook its fist at radical candidates for City Council
A curated account of city council voting records prepared by the Berkeley League of Women Voters.
Three columns of discontent from moderate and conservative Berkeleyans.
More conservative school board candidates were touted as the only candidates with the right "intellectual capacity" for the job
The results of the 1973 election as announced by The Berkeley Daily Gazette.
Beatrice Tobias predicted "the end of decent public education"
Director Samuel Markowitz's bid to end formal affirmative action hiring policies fell short
Minutes from a special school board meeting, convened to address the bus drivers' job action
A largely black and female workforce took action to achieve pay equity
Disorder between Berkeley's many teacher organizations and their respective ballots contributes to frustration with negotiations.
Berkeley teachers appeared to have reached an agreement on their 1975-1976 contract
Superintendent Wilson seeks to slim out the teacher and administrative base.
Superintendent Wilson recommended cuts to administrators involved in early educational development
The administration of experimental schools once again proved problematic for the district
Looming deficits prompted the district's business manager to resign under a cloud
Cutbacks triggered the first teachers' strike in Berkeley city history
When Berkeley teachers walked out, they were part of a wave of labor protest
The teachers' strike was a draw, according to the Barb's city-beat reporter
The resolution of the Berkeley teachers' strike was a victory, said the California AFL-CIO
From the Weather Underground, a critical and radical take on the Berkeley teachers' strike
The Barb on the fractures that made the teachers' strike difficult
Director Louise Stoll's proposal to put a tax-rate hike on the ballot fell short
An independent audit of BUSD's budget practices found something funny with the money, but no illegal activity.
Thomas responds to his detractors, laying the blame for the budget crisis squarely at the feet of the school board and superintendent.
A half-million dollar overestimate in expenses potentially halved the budget deficit
Harriet G. Jenkins, assistant schools superintendent, submits a list of recommendations to improve the district's record on minority achievement.
The school board and their audience "had harsh words for the report"
Berkeley's Black Studies program held an arts celebration to remember
A different narrative about minority achievement and experimental schools.
Black children's literature advocates for positive self-esteem, not just reading comprehension.
The Berkeley Gazette put a strongly negative spin on a superintendent's report on desegregation
The black-oriented Oakland Post offered a positive take on school desegregation in Berkeley
Eight years after the buses rolled, a LA Times reporter suggested the project of school desegregation had become ever more complicated
Activists disputed the Civil Rights Commission's initial positive take on the Berkeley schools
From the US Commission on Civil Rights, an account and positive appraisal of Berkeley's desegregation efforts