A series of three, all titled “Recycling UC Berkeley”, these photos were published in the Richmond Freedom News. It appears that the young boys in the photos are playing a game while learning about recycling. They are all in motion, with their arms swinging from side to side or grabbing for something.
There is a jovial feel to the photos. The young man in front adjusts the heavy rope partition while the four boys in the background are smashing and organizing aluminum cans. Perhaps it is a race of flattening boxes and cans. One can feel the laser focus the boys are directing into the activity.
In the background is a building on UC Berkeley, currently the Cesar Chavez building on Lower Sproul. One wonders who organized this event and why they selected UC Berkeley as their location. The photos were found in Ecology Action’s archive with no context. Which groups were interested in doing youth education? Did the cans and boxes come from the campus?