Documents Tagged ‘pdsp’

A page from fading scars

Archive Entry Date: 2015

The PDSP was supposed to be for everyone

PDSP becomes DSP

Archive Entry Date: 1981-82

During the 1970s, many students with non-physical disabilities attended UC Berkeley

Duties of the Advisory Board

Archive Entry Date: 1981

The Advisory Board Was Authorized by The Chancellor in 1980 to function as a liaison between the PDSP and the Administration

University of California Policy-Nondiscrimination

Archive Entry Date: 7/12/1977

The University of Berkeley cannot discriminate

University Support of PDSP

Archive Entry Date: 05/19/75

Little could have been accomplished by the PDSP without the support of the Cal administration

Oral history of Eric Dibner

Archive Entry Date: 1968-1970

A disability rights activist on the guerrilla actions taken, and not taken, to make curb cuts in Berkeley