Documents Tagged ‘Oakland Police Department (OPD)’

Summer: Where Does the Trouble Begin

Archive Entry Date: 6/15/1967

As the Black Panther Party mobilized against police brutality, The Flatlands assessed fears of a "long hot summer" in Richmond

The Spark

Archive Entry Date: 10/22/66

The 'spark' of unrest at Castlemont High was police beating of a black female teen, The Flatlands reported

Statements to the California Advisory Commission of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission

Archive Entry Date: 6/5/66

In the wake of Watts, Flatlands contributors spoke on police abuses to a Civil Rights Commission

Luther Smith vs the DA

Archive Entry Date: 5/7/1966

A radical Oakland attorney provides insights into a case of police brutality in Oakland

Flatlands editorial on the Luther Smith case

Archive Entry Date: 04/23/1966

Hard-hitting coverage of a brutal beating of a black Oaklander in his home, and an editorial response

Luther Smith protest rally flyer

Archive Entry Date: 04/67

Flatlands contributors joined with the Robert Scheer campaign in protesting a scandalous case of police brutality