Documents Tagged ‘Mark Comfort’

Reagan Aide Testifies to US Congress about The Flatlands

Archive Entry Date: 7/16/1969

The Governor's office saw The Flatlands as a case study in the terrible synergy between on-campus and off-campus radicalism

Summer: Where Does the Trouble Begin

Archive Entry Date: 6/15/1967

As the Black Panther Party mobilized against police brutality, The Flatlands assessed fears of a "long hot summer" in Richmond

S.F. Blows

Archive Entry Date: 10/8/66

The Flatlands offered extensive on-the-ground coverage of the 1966 Hunters Point uprising

Tenant Terror

Archive Entry Date: 9/24/1966

Flatlands contributors worked to save a mother and her children from eviction

Weird Warriors in War on Poverty

Archive Entry Date: 05/1966

Campus "peaceniks, beatniks and smutniks" had infiltrated the War on Poverty, the US Chamber of Congress declared

Luther Smith protest rally flyer

Archive Entry Date: 04/67

Flatlands contributors joined with the Robert Scheer campaign in protesting a scandalous case of police brutality

Big Daddy O.H.A.

Archive Entry Date: 3/26/66

Richard York, later of Berkeley's Free Church, on a pitched battle between tenants and the Housing Authority

The Flatlands Profiles Mark Comfort

Archive Entry Date: 3/12/66

In their first issue, The Flatlands profiled an experienced Civil Rights organizer (and future Black Panther)