This Ecology Action flier blends hand-drawn graphics, lyrical description, and straightforward how-to advice to get city folks to start composting their kitchen scraps.
After invoking the great American poet Walt Whitman and his ode to the compost, the flier gives details about various ways to compost and the sort of materials, including pricing, that one may need.
Ecology Action asks for donations at the bottom right-hand corner of the second page and urges the reader of the flier to recycle it: “When you’re done with this: send it to a friend, leave it in a waiting room, tack it up in a laundromat, give is to a garden shop, put it up in a phone booth, or bring it back for redistribution next time you come to the recycling center. Recycle this!”
Lastly, Ecology Action gives advice about where one may be able to procure items for composting — coffee grinds, tea leaves, and so on.