Over time, the Black Panther Party evolved as an organization to help improve the conditions of Blacks and other minorities in America. The BPP was responsible for doing much good, and their programs inspired the model for how schools feed children today. For instance, a Free Breakfast Program that was once perceived as a threat to the federal government by a “militant group” is now a mainstream service offered everywhere. This image seems less provocative and shows children from different racial backgrounds being properly fed and cared for in a bright and pleasant environment. In the other images, the composition and the children’s demeanor seemed designed to provoke outrage that the free lunches were necessary. Here, the smiling children and bright colors send a positive message: “We have this under control.” The positive tone does not necessarily invite people to question why these children need free food in the first place. Furthermore, the fact that the children are racially diverse discourages viewers from seeing children’s food security as a racial inequality issue